Forschungsverbund BioMedizin
Bielefeld/OWL FBMB e.V.

About Us

We that is the Research Association BioMedicine Bielefeld/OWL FBMB e.V..

The FBMB e.V. consists of members of the University of Bielefeld, the UK OWL and external persons. Further interested persons can become members of our research association.

Dr. Rainer NORDENExecutive Board
Rolf EICKHOLTManaging Director
Prof. Dr. Fritz MERTZLUFFTExecutive Board
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan SCHULTE AM ESCHExecutive Board, General and Visceral Surgery
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian KALTSCHMIDT Executive Board, Cell Biology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Barbara KALTSCHMIDT Executive Board, Cell Biology
M. Sc. Jonathan STORMExecutive Board, Cell Biology



  • Association Statutes
  • Our Members
  • Membership Form


The aim of the "Forschungsverbund BioMedizin Bielefeld FBMB" association is to conduct preclinical and clinical, medical and biomedical research, especially in the field of the influence of age and gender on diseases and care. Therefore, we have established a framework for the cooperation between the v. Bodelschwinghschen Stiftungen Bethel and the University of Bielefeld. In particular, this shall also include inflammation research, tumor stem cell/immunotherapy research and research on regenerative medicine. The task of the association should also be the networking of scientists from different disciplines working in the aforementioned fields in the clinical area (e.g. evangelisches Klinikum Bethel gGmbH) as well as in the university area (e.g. University of Bielefeld) including the formation of a center.


§ 1 Name, Registered Office, Business Year

1) The name of the association is „Forschungsverbund BioMedizin Bielefeld/OWL FBMB e. V.".

2) The association has its registered office in Bielefeld.

3) The business year is the calendar year.


§ 2 Purpose of the Association

1) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes in the sense of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

2) The purpose of the association is to promote science and research and public health.

3) The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular through the implementation of scientific events and research projects and the awarding of research contracts, including measures in the field of causal, basic, diagnostic and therapeutic research, with a focus on inflammation research (with the sub-areas of immune system, sepsis, microbiome), molecular medicine and research, DNA sequencing research, research on tumor stem cells, immunotherapy and regenerative medicine (e.g. bone regeneration, liver regeneration, neuroprotection), as well as microscopy/lmageprocessing; contributions to the improvement of health, health prospects and quality of life of people, especially taking into account the influence of age and gender and disability on diseases and care; the safeguarding and improvement of the medical care structure as well as drug supply, also in the field of rare diseases.


§ 3 Non-profit Status

1) The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

2) The Association's funds may only be used for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association. The members do not receive any benefits from the association's funds.

3) No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.


§ 4 Organs of the Association

1) The organs of the association are the board of directors and the general meeting.

2) The Board of Directors may appoint an Advisory Board whose task it is to advise and support the Association and the bodies of the Association in the fulfillment of their statutory tasks.

3) As a matter of principle, the offices of the association and its governing bodies are held on an honorary basis.


§ 5 Executive Board

1) The Executive Board consists of at least 3, at most 6 members, including the chairperson and the deputy chairperson and one additional member proposed by the Bethel Foundation. The Executive Board can be supplemented by up to 3 additional members from Bielefeld University. The Executive Board is elected by the general meeting for a period of 4 years.

2) If a member of the Executive Board retires prematurely, the Executive Board may elect a successor for the remaining term of office of the retiring member. He or she shall remain in office until new members of the Executive Board are elected. Re-election of members of the Executive Board is possible.

3) The association is represented judicially and extrajudicially in each case by 2 members of the Executive Board jointly.

4) The Executive Board may adopt rules of procedure.

5) The Executive Board may appoint a managing director for the business of day-to-day administration. The latter shall be entitled to attend the meetings of the Executive Board in an advisory capacity.

6) The Executive Board shall adopt its resolutions by simple majority.
It may adopt resolutions by written procedure if all members of the Board of Management agree.


§ 6 Tasks of the Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible in particular for

1) the management of current business,

2) the preparation of the business plan together with the staffing plan and the annual financial statements,

3) the management of the association's assets and the preparation of the annual business report,

4) discussing the specific research projects to be tackled in each case with the managing directors,

5) preparing and convening the General Meeting and drawing up the agenda.

6) The members of the Executive Board work for the Company on an honorary basis and are reimbursed only for their proven expenses.


§ 7 Membership

1) Members of the Association may be natural persons or legal entities under public or private law, associations of persons, institutions and foundations or any partnership.

2) Upon proposal of the Executive Board, extraordinary members may also be admitted by resolution of the General Assembly. Furthermore, in special cases, personalities who have rendered outstanding services in the sense of the purpose of the Association may become honorary members.

3) Admission to the Association shall be by written declaration to the Executive Board, which shall decide whether to accept or reject the application at its own discretion. In the event of rejection, the Board is not obliged to inform the applicant of the reasons for this.

4) Membership ends by death, exclusion, deletion from the list of members or withdrawal from the association or by liquidation of a legal entity.

5) A member can be excluded if he culpably violates the interests of the association in a gross manner. The exclusion takes place by resolution of the executive committee. Before the resolution is passed, the member must be given the opportunity to make an oral or written statement.

6) Resignation from the Society is only possible at the end of the fiscal year. It must be declared in writing to the Board of Directors of the Society at least six months in advance.


§ 8 Membership Fees

1) The association is financed by membership fees and donations. A membership fee may consist of monetary payments, payments in kind and services. The membership fee to be paid as a monetary payment is to be paid in advance for one calendar year at a time.

2) The General Meeting shall decide on the amount and structure of the membership fee as well as any membership fees to be paid in kind and for services on the basis of a proposal by the Executive Board.


§ 9 General Meeting

1) Every member has a seat and a vote in the general meeting. Resolutions are passed by a majority of the members present. Resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association or dissolution of the Society require a majority of three quarters of the members present.

2) Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of the General Meeting, which shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board and a secretary to be elected by the General Meeting.

3) The General Meeting shall be held once a year at the invitation of the Chairman of the Board.

4) Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened if the interests of the Society so require or if at least 20% of the members request such a meeting in writing, stating the purpose and the reasons.

5) The invitation to the general meetings shall be made in writing, stating the agenda. The period of notice is 6 weeks. An extraordinary general meeting may be convened with a notice period of 2 weeks.


§ 10 Tasks of the General Meeting

The General Meeting is responsible for

1) the acceptance of the activity report and the discharge of the Executive Board,

2) the adoption of resolutions on the budget and annual financial statements,

3) the passing of resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association and on the dissolution of the Company.


§ 11 Dissolution of the Association

In the event of the dissolution of the Association or the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to the Bethel Foundation based in Bielefeld, which shall use them directly and exclusively for charitable, benevolent or ecclesiastical purposes.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dario ANSELMETTIPhysics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hendrik BRACHTAnesthesiology, Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Transfusion Medicine and Pain Therapy
Dr. Tobias BuscheOmics Core Facility Next-Generation Sequencing
Prof. Dr. Constanze BANZ-JANSEN*Advisory Board, Obstetrics-Gynecology
PD Dr. Tahar BENHIDJEBGeneral and Visceral Surgery
Dr. Morris BESHAYThoracic Surgery
M. Sc. Nele CzanieraCell Biology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vera VON DOSSOWCardioanesthesiology
Dr. Oliver DRÄGERCell-/Neurophysiology
Dr. Christine FÖRSTERPathology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christiane FUCHSData Science
Dr. Johannes GREINERBiofidus AG
Dr. Julia GOTTSCHALKCell-/Neurophysiology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eckard HAMELMANN*Advisory Board, Pediatrics
Dr. Laureen HELWEGGeneral and Visceral Surgery - Liver and Tumor Biology
Dr. Anna HÖVINGLaboratory and Transfusion Medicine
Dr. Wolfgang HÜBNER*Advisory Board, Photonics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas HUSER*Advisory Board, Physics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas HÜTTEN*Advisory Board, Physics
PD Dr. Carsten ISRAELCardiology
PD Dr. Gerrit JANSENAnesthesiology
PD Dr. Christian JANTOSLaboratory, Microbiology, Hygiene
M. Sc. Jonas JONELEITCell Biology
Prof. Dr. Christoph KARLHEIMInnovation & Research
Thorsten KAATZEProtestant Hospital Bethel gGmbH, Executive Board
Dr. Annika KIELGeneral and Visceral Surgery - Liver and Tumor Biology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Cornelius KNABBE*Advisory Board, Laboratory and Transfusion Medicine
Dr. Stefan KREISELGerontopsychiatry
M. Sc. Neele KUSCHCell Biology
Prof. Dr. Martin KRÜGERGastroenterology
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Math. Theodor Wieslaw MAYStatistics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hendrik MILTINGThoracic- & Cardiovascular Surgery
Prof. Dr. Jesco PFITZENMAIERUrology
M. Sc. Diana PSCHIKCell Biology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Willy REHBERG*Advisory Board, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr.Tanja SAPPOKInclusive medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger SCHÄBITZNeurology
Dr. Christiane SCHERERMicrobiology-Hygiene
Prof. Dr. Matthias SIMON*Advisory Board, Neurosurgery
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sven THOMSBiochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas VORDEMVENNETrauma Surgery Orthopedics
PD Dr. Dirk WÄHNERTExperimental medicine
Prof. Dr. Florian WEIßINGER*Advisory Board, Hematology-Oncology
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erhard WISCHMEYERCell-/Neurophysiology
Dr. Beatrice Ariane NOSSEK (geb. Windmöller)Cell-/Neurophysiology
Dr. Kaya Elisa WITTECells and membranes
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilfried WITTEPain medicine
Prof. Dr. Günther WITTENBERGRadiology


* = Advisory Board

Membership Application

I hereby apply for admission as a member of the Forschungsverbund BioMedizin Bielefeld/OWL FBMB e.V..

I ask the board of the association to comply with my application. +

+ The entry into the association is made by written declaration to the board, which decides on the acceptance or rejection of the application at its discretion (takes place 2 times a year in the FBMB -members meeting).
The membership fee (§ 8 statutes) is currently 100 € per year.




*Mandatory fields

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